Formal Florentine Garden


Designed by Hume Logan, Jr., the Formal Garden at Whitehall was first realized in the early 1970s.  The garden is characterized by its Florentine influence, featuring reproductions of Italian statuary from Logan’s personal collection and wrought iron trellises manufactured by the Logan Company, the family business that specialized in fencing and steel products. 

The area is neatly divided into “rooms” created by borders of taxus hedgerows and arborvitae, a kind of evergreen from the cypress family.  A carefully tended herbaceous border anchors the garden just outside the hedgerow, featuring stunning color beginning in early spring and extending through mid-October.


The Owsley Brown Frazier
Family Garden

Nestled within the Formal Garden, this garden
is noted for its spectacular collection of
re-blooming hydrangeas.

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